Name: Shiro Tanik
Alias: Enerjak
Age: 3000+ but looks about 17 or 18
Gender: Male
Faction: Criminal(Grave robber)
Background: Shiro used to be a common Grave robber born in the town of Kul Elna(before its destruction) until one day he discovered a tomb with a book in it. He then took it and translated only what he could. In it was a spell that allowed him to extend his life and remain looking young. An eternal youth spell if you will. He discovered this back during Atem's time and then lost the book a few years later. Now in present day he discovered the same book in a Museum and stole it. With it he also stole some ancient Egyptian pharaoh armor. The book was "The Millennium Spell book". He uses decks he created back during Atem's time. While not wearing his armor he is portraying himself as a Student at Duel academy. Only to hide his true identity. He lives in the rich district of Araki and has about $1.5 Trillion in his name that is set aside in an offshore bank account. All of which he got from stealing.
Dream: To translate all the spells in the Spellbook and use it to revive his rule the world with an iron fist.(He's still trying to figure out why he wants to do this other than he's an evil jerk) He will do what ever it takes to achieve this goal. He also seeks all 7 Millennium Items and the 3 new Dragon Gods. To turn his set of armor into a full millennium item.(it's 6 items so 14x6 = 84 sacrifices needed.)
Ability: Advanced Reality
Power: Piercing Gaze
Points left: 1
Points Used: 51
Wisdom: 12
Luck: 12
Strength: 16
Charisma: 16
Aptitude: 18
Guts/Willpower: 16
Riding: 7
Limit: 7
Mechanics: 7
Reflexes: 7
Bond: 7
Belief: 7
Care: 7
Affection: 7
Karma: 1500
Millennium Spell book:
Spells Known(Subject to change as he learns how to translate more of the book): Eternal Youth, Shadow Game(without a millennium item), Use of Ba to summon Ka, Create millennium items through sacrifices. (99 for 7 items 14 for 1)
Ka he has so far: Dark Red Enchanter, Exodia Necross, Left Leg of the Forbidden One, Right Leg of the Forbidden One, Right Arm of The Forbidden One, Left Arm of the Forbidden One, Exodia The Forbidden One, Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord, Horus The Black Flame Dragon LV4, Horus The Black Flame Dragon LV5, Horus The Black Flame Dragon LV8
Deck(s): Gravekeeper's, Hieratics